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No one does it alo­ne…! Whe­ther teams or indi­vi­du­al ath­le­tes, behind a top per­for­mance the­re is always a coa­ching envi­ron­ment that goes far bey­ond the person(s) on the pitch, the race track.

Net­wor­king with coa­ches, sports phy­si­ci­ans, phy­si­os and men­tal trai­ners inspi­res me and is extre­me­ly effec­ti­ve in sus­tain­ab­ly opti­mi­zing ath­le­tic per­for­mance. This is also how I got to know San­dro Stäh­eli, sports men­tal coach. Mean­while, we look after seve­ral ath­le­tes tog­e­ther. San­dro is very com­mit­ted and a man of action: men­tal trai­ning wit­hout incen­se sticks & co… tha­t’s pro­ba­b­ly why we get on so well.

In our exch­an­ges and ever­y­day life, we rea­li­ze that dove­tail­ing the disci­pli­nes can dra­sti­cal­ly impro­ve the out­co­me, which is why we have deci­ded to talk about our respec­ti­ve are­as of exper­ti­se in our new pod­cast «Brain and Oats».

Every 3 – 4 weeks we publish a new epi­so­de on various topics from the world of com­pe­ti­ti­ve sport. Feel free to send us your opi­ni­on on our talks, your ques­ti­ons that we can ans­wer and, if you like it, feel free to recom­mend us to inte­res­ted colleagues.

Click here for the pod­cast on 



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Dani Hof­stet­ter –
Per­for­mance Nutrition
Mas­ter of Food Sci­ence ETH,
Nut­ri­tio­nist and Long distance tri­ath­lon world champion