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Foto credit: The Morning Journal /​AP

In these trying times, it’s more important than ever to know your values and priorities. That said, it’s still valid to gather inspiration from others and learn from the best. I try to take every encounter as an oportunity to growgood things I see in people I meet or then as well negative traits I recognise and want to get rid off. 

Podcasts are THE current media outlet where most of us take some quiet time to listen to and learn. Even in a time where we shouldn’t travel or meet heaps of people, this is a great way to expand your horizon. With my friend Kevin Rechsteiner I may publish myself 2 podcasts where we either talk about current stuff in our lives or interview a special guest.

As for myself, I listen to many different podcasts either about current research and science in nutri­tion or a lot about personal development, leadership and high performance people.

I will share every now and then some episodes I particularly liked. Today it is an  Interview withTianna Bartoletta, a track and field athlete from the USA, World and Olympic Champion in the 100m dash and long jump. She has a remarkable attitude towards success and failure and acknowlegdes that neither of the two is final or exclusively good or bad. She talks about her biggest wins and how they failed to make her happy and completesomething I can relate to all too well, after winning the Worlds in Nice 2002 myself.

The second talk is with Dr. Laurie Santos from Yale University– they have a department of happinessno kidding!

Enjoy these valuable thoughts and people sharing their wisdom and experience.

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Dani Hofstetter –
Performance Nutrition
Master of Food Science ETH,
Nutritionist and Long distance triathlon world champion