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Ambi­ti­on, curio­si­ty, and dri­ve are in my DNA. To bring this powerful trio in sync took me a serious while. While school and stu­dies came natu­ral­ly to me, I was a pro­per plough hor­se in sports: enjoy­ing the grind and never stop­ping when the coach said to. And while this was good for many years, I know it bet­ter today: more is not neces­s­a­ri­ly bet­ter. But we often need to learn this the hard way.

The pas­si­on and care for good nutri­tion I lear­nt from my par­ents, had a big influence on my life as an ath­le­te and my choice of stu­dies. Being a stu­dent allo­wed to life and com­pe­te like a pro­fes­sio­nal athlete.
Even if I had to quit my care­er as an acti­ve tri­ath­le­te for some major health pro­blems, tur­ning to the cor­po­ra­te world was a good step for me. Today, the com­bi­na­ti­on of aca­de­mia, sports and a care­er in inter­na­tio­nal cor­po­ra­ti­ons is one of my big­gest assets.

This com­pre­hen­si­ve tool­box helps me when working with a broad audi­ence. Con­tri­bu­ting to a bet­ter socie­ty is the visi­on of my company.

I want to sup­port and inspi­re peo­p­le to take more con­trol of their health, be and act more accoun­ta­ble and beco­me healt­hi­er and hap­pier all along.

2023 Dead Ends & Dol­ci, Win­ner, Ultra Cycling
2020 Inter­na­tio­nal Olym­pic Com­mit­tee (IOC) Sports Nutri­tion Diploma
2013 End of Dua/​Triathlon care­er after 15 years of top sport (6 of them as a professional)
2010 Tor­tour 3rd rank, Ultra Cycling
2006 Vic­to­ry Iron­man Canada
Sin­ce 2005 Nutri­tion consulting
2005 Mas­ter of Food Sci­ence ETH Zurich
2005 Diplo­ma the­sis in the field of sports nutri­tion & pro­duct development
2003 Iron­man France 2nd rank
2002 World Cham­pi­on Tri­ath­lon Long Distance
2001 Iron­man World Cham­pi­on­ship Hawaii 5th place – total 4 par­ti­ci­pa­ti­ons Iron­man Hawaii
2001 Iron­man Pre­mie­re: Iron­man Aus­tria 2nd place
2000 Duath­lon Long Distance WM 2nd place
1999 Duath­lon Long Distance WM 7th place
1999 Power­man Duath­lon World Cup, 2nd place
1999 – 2004 ETH Zurich; Food Sci­ence Studies


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Dani Hof­stet­ter –
Per­for­mance Nutrition
Mas­ter of Food Sci­ence ETH,
Nut­ri­tio­nist and Long distance tri­ath­lon world champion