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Fuel Progress

Thanks to excellent formation in food science (ETH Zurich) and sports nutri­tion (IOC), experience as a professional athlete and nutritionist, I accompany athletes to better performance and optimal nutri­tion. Do you want effective progress instead of empty promises?


As an athlete, you have special needs in everyday life and during stress. However, you can only achieve sustainable improvement through positive habits, not through short-term interventions. That’s why food has to be fun and taste good, not just provide energy. To give you an idea of how I work, here are a few typical questions from my everyday life.

In the name of performance

I’m fascinated by improving myself every day and taking on new challenges continuously. This has always been a good driver for my career in sports and science.

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Dani Hofstetter –
Performance Nutrition
Master of Food Science ETH,
Nutritionist and Long distance triathlon world champion