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Fuel Pro­gress

Thanks to excel­lent for­ma­ti­on in food sci­ence (ETH Zurich) and sports nutri­tion (IOC), expe­ri­ence as a pro­fes­sio­nal ath­le­te and nut­ri­tio­nist, I accom­pa­ny ath­le­tes to bet­ter per­for­mance and opti­mal nutri­tion. Do you want effec­ti­ve pro­gress ins­tead of emp­ty promises?


As an ath­le­te, you have spe­cial needs in ever­y­day life and during stress. Howe­ver, you can only achie­ve sus­tainable impro­ve­ment through posi­ti­ve habits, not through short-term inter­ven­ti­ons. That’s why food has to be fun and tas­te good, not just pro­vi­de ener­gy. To give you an idea of how I work, here are a few typi­cal ques­ti­ons from my ever­y­day life.

In the name of performance

I’m fasci­na­ted by impro­ving mys­elf every day and taking on new chal­lenges con­ti­nuous­ly. This has always been a good dri­ver for my care­er in sports and science.

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Dani Hof­stet­ter –
Per­for­mance Nutrition
Mas­ter of Food Sci­ence ETH,
Nut­ri­tio­nist and Long distance tri­ath­lon world champion