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Pho­to by Drew Bea­mer on Uns­plash

Most of us are expe­ri­en­cing a glo­bal cri­sis of «ele­men­ta­ry pro­por­ti­ons» for the first time. The com­bi­na­ti­on of a health thre­at, rest­ric­ti­ve, legis­la­ti­ve mea­su­res, and the uncer­tain­ty of how the post-Coro­na world will get back on track is troubling. In sum, it crea­tes an uncer­tain­ty whe­re ter­se things like an emp­ty super­mar­ket shelf or a fal­te­ring Inter­net line in the home office are enough to throw us off track.

While the coa­ching jar­gon has been tal­king about VUCA times (the acro­nym for vola­ti­le, uncer­tain, com­plex, ambi­guous) for some time now, we’­re noti­cing that all of the­se adjec­ti­ves are incre­di­bly acce­le­ra­ted and mani­fest­ing in assem­bled strength.

Unli­ke the gene­ra­ti­on of our grand­par­ents or gre­at-grand­par­ents, we are no lon­ger used to having to reinvent our­sel­ves almost dai­ly. We get over­whel­med when we don’t know what to do next. The opti­miza­ti­on fren­zy of recent years has packed us in absor­bent cot­ton and pla­ced us in a deade­ning com­fort zone.

But how do you deal well with moving tar­gets and erra­ti­cal­ly chan­ging cons­traints on action? For the last two deca­des, ever­yo­ne has been try­ing to do the same thing more effi­ci­ent­ly. Will the new nor­mal now be chan­ge and uncertainty?

I am con­vin­ced that this is the case – per­haps not exclu­si­ve­ly, but incre­asing­ly. And that ine­vi­ta­b­ly leads to the ques­ti­on: How do I mana­ge to find my way in this new world?

When uncer­tain­ty and chan­ge beco­me the norm, we must focus on that which is always in our con­trol: our­sel­ves! We build secu­ri­ty from the insi­de out.

Phil­lip­pa Lal­ly, a health psy­cho­lo­gist at Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege in Lon­don, has shown that it takes an avera­ge of 66 days for us to acqui­re a new habit. So no life­style inter­ven­ti­on, no three-month diet, not a litt­le digi-detox and then we’­re reborn. It’s about estab­li­shing posi­ti­ve habits that make us stron­ger from the insi­de out: a healt­hy diet, enough exer­cise, and thus a balan­ced and opti­mal­ly sharp mind.

Have you recent­ly won­de­red how the Coro­na cri­sis is chan­ging your life? How would you like to emer­ge from this cri­sis stron­ger? How do you deve­lop «win­ning habits»?

Switz­er­land has now been in lock­down for just under a month – on avera­ge, it takes 66 days to bring about rele­vant beha­vi­oral chan­ges. For some it may be 50, for others 100 – one thing is the same for all: ever­yo­ne starts on day 1

Get it done! I wish you every suc­cess and will be hap­py to assist you in word and deed.

I wish you hap­py Easter

Dani Hof­stet­ter

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Dani Hof­stet­ter –
Per­for­mance Nutrition
Mas­ter of Food Sci­ence ETH,
Nut­ri­tio­nist and Long distance tri­ath­lon world champion