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As an ath­le­te, you have spe­cial needs in ever­y­day life and during stress. Howe­ver, you can only achie­ve sus­tainable impro­ve­ment through posi­ti­ve habits, not through short-term inter­ven­ti­ons. That’s why food has to be fun and tas­te good, not just pro­vi­de ener­gy. I accom­pa­ny indi­vi­du­al ath­le­tes, teams, clubs and asso­cia­ti­ons as a con­sul­tant and spea­k­er. I brief­ly explain the most com­mon ques­ti­ons from my ever­y­day life.

Opti­mal nutri­tion in training:

We maxi­mi­ze your abili­ty to per­form and reco­ver by not only ensu­ring ade­qua­te ener­gy and nut­ri­ents, but also per­fec­ting the timing of your meals. On the one hand, it is about time-cri­ti­cal pro­ces­ses of our meta­bo­lism, on the other hand, it is about very prac­ti­cal aspects, name­ly how the ide­al diet can be fit­ted into your ever­y­day life (work, edu­ca­ti­on, com­mu­ting, tra­ve­ling, etc.). When imple­men­ting your con­cept, I will accom­pa­ny you so that you can soon estab­lish the «win­ning habits» and not get fix­a­ted on my plan or your kit­chen scale.

Mus­cle building/​athletes in growth

Mus­cle and strength are key per­for­mance fac­tors in almost all sports. An effec­ti­ve build-up is the­r­e­fo­re important for many ath­le­tes. Howe­ver, a bal­let dancer has com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent requi­re­ments (mass, strength) than, for exam­p­le, a ski­er or a weight­lif­ter. Under­stan­ding the dif­fe­ren­ces and tail­oring nutri­tion to indi­vi­du­al goals is critical.<br>
(Mus­cle) growth is also a cru­cial key­word for ado­le­s­cents. Here, ath­le­tic per­for­mance should bene­fit from the natu­ral deve­lo­p­ment of the body. As soon as inten­si­ve stress slows down growth, health risks loom, and this makes puber­ty the decisi­ve pha­se in the sport­ing matu­ra­ti­on pro­cess. Nutri­tion plays an essen­ti­al role in this context.

Weight opti­miza­ti­on

In sports whe­re weight is a per­for­mance-limi­ting fac­tor or in disci­pli­nes with weight clas­ses, effec­ti­ve and healt­hy weight manage­ment is cri­ti­cal to suc­cess. Pro­fes­sio­nal gui­dance helps to ensu­re that body fat, not mus­cle mass, is suc­cessful­ly lost and that no dis­tur­bed eating beha­vi­or or eating dis­or­ders deve­lop in the process.

Com­pe­ti­ti­on nutrition

Whe­ther on day X, at mul­ti-day events or over a lon­ger peri­od at tour­na­ments: Com­pe­ti­ti­on cate­ring is a major chall­enge for most ath­le­tes. Men­tal ten­si­on and exter­nal fac­tors (cli­ma­te, tra­vel, event cate­ring) fur­ther com­pli­ca­te the task. Effi­ci­ent plan­ning includes sup­p­ly quan­ti­ty, timing, pro­duct sel­ec­tion and orga­niza­ti­on, and is prac­ti­ced in depth during the trai­ning process.


I want to avo­id having only pill­bo­xes and pow­ders in the kit­chen of top ath­le­tes. Howe­ver, tar­ge­ted use of clean, per­mit­ted sup­ple­ments can cle­ar­ly impro­ve per­for­mance. For ath­le­tes, I ana­ly­ze their needs during their sports year and plan use and dosage.

Opti­mal reco­very after injuries

Unfort­u­na­te­ly, in sports, pushing one’s limits or acci­dents can also lead to inju­ries and thus to unwan­ted inter­rup­ti­ons in the trai­ning pro­cess. Nutri­tion plays a sup­port­ing role in redu­cing the­se fail­ures and spee­ding reco­very after inju­ry or surgery.

Edu­ca­ti­on & Network

Becau­se the ath­le­te bene­fits most when all disci­pli­nes (trai­ning plan­ning, medicine/​physio, men­tal trai­ning, nutri­tion) ope­ra­te in sync, I actively mana­ge a clo­se rela­ti­on with sports phy­si­ci­ans, phy­sio­the­ra­pists, per­for­mance dia­gno­sti­ci­ans and coa­ches. I pro­mo­te this net­work­ed work with regu­lar edu­ca­ti­on talks in cli­nics, phy­sio prac­ti­ces and at sports associations.

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Dani Hof­stet­ter –
Per­for­mance Nutrition
Mas­ter of Food Sci­ence ETH,
Nut­ri­tio­nist and Long distance tri­ath­lon world champion