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In March 2024, San­dro Stäh­eli (Sport Men­tal Coach, We2 Coa­ching) and I laun­ched the «Hirn & Hafer» pod­cast becau­se, in our respec­ti­ve con­sul­ting work with com­pe­ti­ti­ve and top ath­le­tes, we see that our cli­ents› issues often extend bey­ond our area of exper­ti­se and that the topics of nutri­tion and men­tal fit­ness in par­ti­cu­lar are often clo­se­ly lin­ked or (not) working.

I would like to link the most important topics that we have cover­ed tog­e­ther here so that you can easi­ly access them wit­hout having to search for a long time:

Hirn und Hafer is available on Spo­ti­fy and You­tube - if you find our con­tent hel­pful, plea­se sub­scri­be to our pod­cast and send it to fri­ends who might also be inte­res­ted. We look for­ward to your feed­back, ques­ti­ons or topic suggestions. 

Have fun and stay tuned! 

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Dani Hof­stet­ter –
Per­for­mance Nutrition
Mas­ter of Food Sci­ence ETH,
Nut­ri­tio­nist and Long distance tri­ath­lon world champion