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Pho­to cre­dit: The Mor­ning Jour­nal /​AP

Espe­ci­al­ly in the tur­bu­lent pha­se we are in, it is more important than ever to know your own values and prio­ri­ties. But that does­n’t mean you can’t be inspi­red by other peo­p­le. Quite the oppo­si­te! I try to take some­thing away from each encoun­ter – good things to take on my way, but also reco­gni­zing nega­ti­ve traits I want to get rid of.

Pod­casts are a medi­um that allows me to incre­di­bly expand this tre­asu­re tro­ve of encoun­ters. I get to pro­du­ce some mys­elf with my good fri­end Kevin Rech­stei­ner and I always lis­ten to sel­ec­ted for­mats whe­re it’s most­ly about lea­der­ship, per­so­nal deve­lo­p­ment, per­for­mance or rese­arch & science.

Every now and then I share con­tent here that I find par­ti­cu­lar­ly exci­ting or enriching.

Today this is an inter­view with Tian­na Bar­to­let­ta, a track and field ath­le­te from the USA and mul­ti­ple world and Olym­pic cham­pi­on in sprin­ting and long jump. She shows remar­kab­le matu­ri­ty in deal­ing with suc­cess, what it means to her, and that ulti­m­ate­ly the big­gest vic­to­ries don’t neces­s­a­ri­ly make you hap­py. I expe­ri­en­ced this phe­no­me­non mys­elf when I beca­me world cham­pi­on in long-distance tri­ath­lon in Nice in 2002 and only later lear­ned a lot from this experience.

The second con­ver­sa­ti­on ties into this the­me Dr. Lau­rie San­tos of Yale Uni­ver­si­ty runs a Chair for Grea­ter Hap­pi­ness – no kidding!

Espe­ci­al­ly in 2020, when we are expe­ri­en­cing a lot of unste­adi­ness and uncer­tain­ty, such reflec­tions are valuable.

Have fun listening.

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Dani Hof­stet­ter –
Per­for­mance Nutrition
Mas­ter of Food Sci­ence ETH,
Nut­ri­tio­nist and Long distance tri­ath­lon world champion