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The Danish track squad set up a new world record in the 4000m team pur­suits at the UCI Track Cycling World Cham­pi­on­ship in Ber­lin today. It took the 4 riders only 3min44sec to cover 4000m – and this with a stan­ding start. The team rea­ches top speeds of way bey­ond 70km/​h and aver­a­ges 63.8km/h.

Ener­ge­ti­cal­ly this equ­als an avera­ge power abo­ve 500 Watts during almost 4 minu­tes with peaks in the high 800’s. The power out­put of each rider is quite sto­cha­stic, depen­ding on the posi­ti­on he’s riding in. The team swit­ches the lead regu­lar­ly and needs to be pro­per­ly in sync.

Typi­cal power out­put and cadence during a track team pur­su­it (not yes­ter­day’s record ride!)

In the first 60 seconds riders main­ly use Pospho­crea­ti­ne and ATP Reser­ves – our body­’s most potent «rocket fuel». For the rest of the time they rely on aero­bic and anae­ro­bic gly­co­ly­sis (they burn carbs). Sta­tis­tics show that over 4 minu­tes anae­ro­bic ener­gy pro­duc­tion con­tri­bu­tes only by a mere 30% to total ener­gy expen­dit­u­re, but this is enough to pro­du­ce uncom­for­ta­ble blood lac­ta­te values.

If we look at the total ener­gy cost to ride this world record, it’s a ridi­cu­lous low num­ber. Assum­ing they avera­ge 500 watts over the enti­re ride, they only burn a bit more than 120 kcal or 30g of car­bo­hy­dra­tes – this shows why acti­vi­ty by its­elf is not enough to lose weight and has to be com­bi­ned with a smart diet.

But losing weight was not the aim in this com­pe­ti­ti­on, hats off to the Danish team – hell of a ride!

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Dani Hof­stet­ter –
Per­for­mance Nutrition
Mas­ter of Food Sci­ence ETH,
Nut­ri­tio­nist and Long distance tri­ath­lon world champion