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The most suc­cessful teams and indi­vi­du­al ath­le­tes in sports have their own die­ti­ti­an. The reason is simp­le: befo­re you start tuning any engi­ne for more power out­put, it’s easier to make sure the tank con­ta­ins ade­qua­te fuel. The cor­po­ra­te world has­n’t adapt­ed this mind set yet. While the stress for the work­force has cle­ar­ly increased – working with seve­ral time zones glo­bal­ly, being available over smart devices 247 and having more respon­si­bi­li­ty on fewer should­ers – com­pa­nies keep tuning their engi­nes vigo­rous­ly. It’s often cal­led trans­for­ma­ti­on, get­ting lean, beco­ming agi­le or more resi­li­ent. But wit­hout assu­ring the peo­p­le invol­ved are fuel­led for the job at hand, they blow up quite a few engi­nes – read: peo­p­le! – wit­hout real­ly going anywhere.

So ins­tead of just using images of win­ning sports teams and prai­sing their spi­rits, stead­fast­ness and men­tal pro­wess, com­pa­nies should adapt their win­ning tac­tics too.

In all my years of working with eli­te-level ath­le­tes, it was always tho­se who balan­ced pro­gres­si­ve load, ade­qua­te reco­very and high-qua­li­ty fuel best, that domi­na­ted their field.

That’s why I work with com­pa­nies, tea­ching indi­vi­du­als, groups and abo­ve all the cor­po­ra­te cate­rer, how the fuel­ling side of the equa­ti­on is done best to for healt­hy, ener­gi­zed and more moti­va­ted high per­for­mers in the team. This will make a dif­fe­rence out on the field – you will be sur­pri­sed what’s in it for your company!

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Dani Hof­stet­ter –
Per­for­mance Nutrition
Mas­ter of Food Sci­ence ETH,
Nut­ri­tio­nist and Long distance tri­ath­lon world champion